The New Paradigm of Reality: How to Reassemble Yourself Quickly According to Marxist theory, changing the means of production leads to a social revolution. There has been a transition from industrial to post-industrial and information economy. Data is the new oil. The instant promotion of covid hysteria, followed by the lockdown, showed who is now really in control of economic processes. And the subsequent blocking of the social networking accounts of the president of the leading nuclear power showed who now plays the main role in the management of political processes. Now, instead of the competition that we have become accustomed to during the ages of capitalism, there is now a battle for attention. And we can clearly see how the politicians of the old formation are trying to win back the portion of attention that they are lacking from the new generation of tiktokers, youtubers, instagrammers and stand-up comics, but they are losing this war. And like passionate neurotics, they start the real war, not only in the information field, but also on the battlefield. And posting on social networks and blogs camera footage from the battlefields attracts attention and completely destroys the concentration of consciousness. The latest war propaganda techniques, where each successive news item must be more horrifying than the previous one, drives people into completely depressed, emotionally uncontrollable states. Attention (likes and sharers) is the new currency - everyone now knows that only being on the first page of search engines or the top of the marketplace provides sales. The price/quality ratio of goods is about to be the same, but not everyone can pay for advertising with Kim Kardashian or Google Ads. However, our psyche cannot adapt to new concepts with the necessary speed. People are more accustomed to using the neural connections they have built up than to thinking and creating new ones. This is especially True of the rigid structure of personality. And this leads to the formation of another source of stress and subsequent depression. Children tend to see reality more clearly and accept it as it is. We do not see the globality of the changes taking place, the new paradigm of reality. We don't even have enough lexical constructions to describe them more accurately. Everything usually boils down to a single f-word. Even communicating among our usual circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances, we find it difficult to find words to express the subconsciously accumulated tension. Besides, ordinary people make decisions based on the outdated, established paradigm. It's less energy-consuming and more comfortable. Obviously, such decisions have a destructive effect on reality, on the established way of life. Relationships and families collapse, and the stability accumulated over the past few years disappears. At the same time the Internet provides a huge number of answers, but it is very difficult to formulate the only correct question. The mind continues to rush in logical paradoxes, which are constructed by very talented PR writers. Constant throwing in of fake information leads exactly to analysis of quality of a fake, but not to its destructive consequences both for consciousness, and direct and indirect damage of wealth. There is a very strong shoot on the second signaling system. With an emotionally addictive logic loop, the second signaling system generates a huge amount of neurotransmitters, which completely overrides the sensations of the first signaling system. And modern man is almost completely cut off from contact with the earth, spring water, mountain air and sunshine. The modern normal man is completely subordinated to social networks and mass media, and is hardly capable of making adequate decisions to manage his reality. How to regain control of reality I will tell you at my webinar on Wednesday at 11 AM CDT - To get the advice on your personality apply to personal consultation Subscribe to my telegram channel:

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